Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monthly Horoscope - Scorpio

Several planets in Aries, your solar 6th house clash with Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn this month. You can thus expect ongoing stress and strain in your daily work, as well as the potential for conflict with coworkers or supervisors. Try your best not to make snap decisions or act in haste, and do your very best to steer clear of power plays. Also be alert for anyone who might try to play the blame game at your expense.

Take a well–needed break at the end of March when the Full Moon on the 29th highlights your 12th house of past karma and self–renewal. Even a few days to enjoy your own company and the people you love will refresh you, body, mind and soul. You might even consider a long weekend at a nearby destination for an uplifting change of scenery.

Fun times, fun people and social events continue in the spotlight, thanks to the March 15 New Moon in your fellow water sign of Pisces, your solar 5th house. Plan an outing midmonth, when the odds favour a lucky connection – possibly a romantic connection, networking contact or a new friend. With Mercury the communicator in Pisces through the 16th, March is a great month for you to make new friends (something you don’t usually do easily). You have the right words and the right moves to charm pretty much anyone.

Good news too with Mars moving direct in Leo, your solar of career and social ambition March 10. Mars has been out of phase since last December and you have probably felt stalled and not moving anywhere career wise. Things are about to change and you will get a nice boost workwise which is exactly what you Scorpios need and want this month.

March is a really good month for you Scorpios, especially the first half. In fact the first 2 weeks of March will be some of the best times for you throughout the whole year. ENJOY!

Your March days to work it: 9, 14, 26 & 28
Your March days to lie low: 2, 16, 23 & 29
Friends: Pisces & Cancers
Frenemies: Aries & Leos
Lust after: Virgos & Taureans

- Universal Psychic Guild


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