Friday, February 26, 2010

My Bucket List

This is a bucket list I've been working on for two years. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. In bold are ones I have completed. 

1 - Go to Paris
2 - Write a novel
3 - Go on an archeological dig
4 - Go backpacking through Europe
5 - Get my nose pierced
6 - Try Paragliding
7 - Go skydiving
8 - See the natural wonders of the world 
9 - Get a small tattoo
10 - Ride in a hot air balloon
11 - Learn to snowboard
12 - Learn to salsa dance
13 - Go camping 
14 - Learn to ice-skate
15 - Attend an Opera
16 - Ride the ten biggest roller coasters
17 - Run a marathon
18 - Go horseback riding on a beach
19 - Witness a miracle
20 - Plant a tree
21 - Visit Anne Frank's grave/memorial
22 - Walk the Great Wall of China
23 - Have a child
24 - Inspire someone
25 - Save/Adopt an endangered species 
26 - Play my violin somewhere famous
27 - Go ghost hunting
28 - See where they study the Titanic
29 - Climb Machu Picchu
30 - Visit Egypt 
31 - Mentor a Child
32 - Stay the night in an old castle 
33 - Watch the entire Gilmore Girls Series
34 - Own or work at a bookstore
35 - Learn to ski
36 - Learn to drive a stick shift
37 - Jump off a diving board fearlessly
38 - Graduate from High School
39 - Graduate from College
40 - Go to a blues bar in Chicago
41 - Speak French fluently
42 - Go to a cave


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