Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Food for Thought.

Throughout everyone's life, there has to always be one person, or several that you can't stand to live with but you wonder what it's like without. Sometimes you want to "rid" yourself of them for the benefit of you, first of all, and probably both of you in the long run. But as soon as you think you have completely erased them from your life, they come back, ruining everything you've started for yourself and not only making matters worse, but making it harder to go back every time. They bury themselves so deep inside you, like a tick, making it impossible to dig them out without hurting yourself. But you always heal, scar or no scar. Sometimes they just don't get it. But they end up pulling you in and pushing you under like the ocean. You're swimming around, blind and lost. Sometimes they do get it, and they take advantage of you, trying to control your emotions and put you on a roller coaster. 

Or, they write you, telling you they heard a song that reminded them of you, or they walked past a place you used to go, or did something they did when they were with you. Or maybe they just thought of you, or were feeling nostalgic. But maybe that's just it. Maybe it's the little things... a song, a store, a picture that reminds you of someone. I cannot walk past a rack of Bananas, or think of Nuns, rap, padding, TJ Maxx, Gilmore Girls, Swagger Wagon, etc... Without it reminding me of one of my best friends or a person who has made a noticeable difference in my life.  So maybe... it really is just the little memories and inside jokes you make that tie you to a person, bounding you together... Until you finally just decide to let go.

You forgive. You forget. Life goes on.


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